
Sarina Fyth
Crystal. Mateus.

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature

the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.

If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.

play guide.

26. CST.



  1. IC ≠ OOC! There are many things I'm willing to RP, but those feelings do not translate outside of our writing space.

  2. Communication is KEY! I will not be doing anything with Sarina that I am not comfortable with, and asking about heavier topics/themes beforehand will be a lifesaver. If you have any issues with our interaction on your end, and it can be fixed, please let me know so we can talk it out!

  3. 21+ Engagement ONLY. I simply do not feel comfortable engaging with anyone younger than that outside of a casual, passing interaction. ESPECIALLY if you are under 18. Please, do not approach me unless you are 21+

  4. Be a Decent Person. I have zero tolerance for bigotry, racism, the whole nine yards. If you refer to your characters with transphobic identifiers, please steer away from me. If I find anything questionable about your character or yourself after interacting, I will remove myself from your circles without warning.

  5. Not all threads are canon. Sarina can find herself in a lot of situations with different people, and thus there are things I want to keep separate from her canon. Any romantic relationships, especially, are not canon and I have no interest in making her exclusive.

  6. 0 Tolerance for Lalafel ERP.

Hi there, I'm Sav! I am non-binary and use they/them pronouns, so please use those when referring to myself OOC, regardless of what you may see others use.I'm returning to the RP scene after taking a few years off, and I'm excited to see what I can get Sarina into these days. Feel free to approach me if I have my RP tag on in game, or if we've met before then you're more than welcome to just stop and say hi. I also own the character Your Problem on Brynhildr, and you are free to interact with me OOC on there as well. Please do not ask me for RP when I am on that character, however.I'm more than welcome to developing friendships outside of RP, however I am happily in a relationship and am NOT looking for anything of that nature OOC. This ties in with my #1 rule, but please do not conflate our character interactions with OOC feelings in any scenario.

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature

the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.

If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.


the blessing of knowledge is heavy

  name.    Sarina Fyth
  age.    52
  race.    Rava Viera
  birthday / nameday     26th Sun, 5th Umbral Moon (10/26)
  guarding deity.     Nophica
  gender.     Female
  pronouns.     she/her
  sexuality.     Pansexual

  height.     6 ilms
  weight.     165 ponze
  hair color.     Maroon, with highlights closer to scarlet
  eye color.     Jewel-toned blue
  skin tone.     warm, tawny
  notable features.     Noticeable time in the sun has left most of her body littered with freckles. Light grey facial tattoos span from one cheek to another, with a diamond pattern over the center of her nose. Her ears are spotted at the tips in the same color as the highlights in her hair.

  Job occupation.    Botanist/Alchemist dayjob.
  place of origin.     Golmorre Jungle
  home.    New Gridania
  affiliation.     Gridanian Botanist's Guild
  status.     Single

  likes.     Gardens | Sweet Treats | Afternoon Naps | Cocktails
  dislikes.     The Desert | Meat | Bugs | Enclosed Spaces
  virtues.     Friendly | Honest | Empathetic | Loyal
  vices.     Gossip | Self-Sacrificial | Stubborn | Quick to Trust

but also a familiar burden.

  personality.     Sarina is very personable, and strives to be a light in the lives of those she knows. She cares for her friends and companions to a fault, as she will often put the needs of others before her own. She will do her best to help someone given the opportunity, but will also acknowledge when she or someone she knows is out of their element.
She is wiser to the world than when she had first arrived in Eorzea, but she can still be caught unawares and taken advantage of because of her kind and trusting nature.
Sarina is by no means a quiet person, despite the calming aura she has been told she exudes, and loves to interact with passerby and acquaintances while carrying out her daily tasks. She also likes to partake in the nightlife of cities that she travels to, and often tries to employ things she has observed from venue to venue to strike up conversation. Whether it be a cocktail she's tried, or a particularly interesting speakeasy she's visited, she can make a conversation out of most things with a stranger.

botany. Sarina has devoted her life to the study of botany, it's principles meshing with her previous life in the Golmore Jungle seamlessly.
alchemy. While a pacifist now, Sarina still looks for ways to aid those who find themselves in physical danger more times than not. Her knowledge of flora and fauna have aided her studies in the alchemical over the years, and she takes pride that she can provide a service for those in need.
archery. Sarina was well-versed in the ways of the bow and arrow, though now she does not pick up the weapon unless an absolute necessity. While not as good as she once was, she is still capable of defending herself from any rare danger she may face.

do not shy away from it.

social skills★★★★★★★★★☆

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature

the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.

If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.


LORE : origin .

Born in the Golmore Jungle, Sarina lived the first two decades of her life in the shade of trees that most men have not seen. She was content with sticking to tradition - aiding her village in sustaining itself and the jungle around it, and had only passing daydreams about life outside of it's boughs. Once the whispers of Garlean invasion made its way through the region, however, the trajectory of her life would be undefiably altered.After an unfortunate skirmish towards the beginning of the empire occupying the region, Sarina thought she had witnessed her brother fall at the hands of the enemy. Knowing there was little she could do, she made her escape, evading small contingents through the jungle and to Rabanastre.Not occupied just yet by Garlean forces, the hub city was the perfect place to find a willing sailor to shepard her away from the fighting before things escalated further, burdend with the knowledge she could not help the forest or her fallen brother. She hesitated for only a moment before buying passage on a ship headed to Eorzea at the behest of the kind captain that heard her plight.

Currently, Sarina has made her home and life under new boughs, with life in Gridania providing an environment close enough to home that she has come to love. Her past has left her a pacifist, focusing soley on non-violent means to make her way through the world. Events in past years with the Garleans trying to occupy Eorzea had made her nervous however, her bow and arrows still within reach should the need arise.Her love for botany has flourished in the decades that she has resided in the Twelveswood, and she is a staple in the Botanist's Guild in Gridania. Her dealings have lead her to explore more of Eorzea as a whole and even further, though she shies away from returning to the shores of her home to this day.Even now, Sarina finds beauty in the diversity of Eorzea, a staunch contrast to what she had experienced in her younger life in the jungle. The fleeting thoughts she had back then were no indicator of what she experiences now, and she makes a point of finding the beauty in a larger, interwoven society.

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature

the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.

If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.


reach for what you want

botany. Sarina is an active member of the Botanist's Guild in Gridania. If you've passed by the guildhall, or most places in Gridania really, you've probably seen her around. Need assistance curating a garden? Do you need information on where to find a certain plant? Sarina is the girl to ask!night owl. Sarina often visits lively venues to get her fix of the nightlife. Perhaps you've crossed her path one of those long nights - and gained the courage to say hello.alchemy. Sarina has a particular interest in alchemy, in order to provide a more tangible boon to her friends that place themselves in harm's way. Do you need a potent healing potion? Something to put a spring in your step? An ailment you're not sure how to cute? Sarina could have something right up your alley.

bartending. Sarina used to be a well known bartender at a venue known as Prophet Lounge, and still holds an interest in making cocktails. Perhaps you once knew her for her delicious drinks and easy company.curation. Sarina, while not artistically inclined, has a growing interest in art history and restoration. Perhaps you know of a museum she can visit? Or perhaps, she has sought you out for information on a piece she would like to curate for her budding collection.wanderlust. Sarina is always open to an adventure, and will oftentimes seek out endeavors that allow her to travel freely. Perhaps she has sought you out for assistance in getting somewhere, or for personal protection while in an unknown terrain.

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature

the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.

If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.


roots, making their home

Kaidan Fyth


  summary.     Kaidan is Sarina's one and only sibling, currently residing in Thavnair. Sarina does not know that he survived that skirmish that made her flee Dalmasca before the Garleans tightened their grip, but he is out there searching for her, using his trade contacts in Thavnair to try and locate her to reconnect.

Alexandria Altan

Friend, business contact

  summary.     Alex is a good friend of Sarina's, with Sarina serving as a knowledge base for obtaining most things botanical in Alex's dealings. The two have grown close outside of those paramaters, and Sarina often finds time to send Alex presents wherever she travels.

Fyna Chillweave


  summary.     Fyna is another good friend of Sarina's with the Au'ra providing welcome company during Sarina's various endeavors; she also knows she can count on Fyna to protect her when things get rough during an adventure.

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature

the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.

If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.